Saturday, January 11, 2014

What killed the dinosaurs?
A few million years ago a huge event occurred, causing hundreds of species of animals
to die off. What caused this? It was first thought that an asteroid impact caused the mass wipe out of animals and killed 70% of all life on earth. This is what most people believe. But there are more possibilities. One example is a rare event called a supervolcano. There are 7 known Supervolcanoes,and one is active. Its a well known supervolcano named Yellowstone. Famous for its hundreds of geysers. Mud pots, and thermonuclear ponds. A supervolcano leaves a giant crater called a caldera. An eruption of this scale can cover the entire country and effect the world for years. It produces thousands of times more ash than Mt St Helens. So here what could have happened. 1. An asteroid impact 2.. an supervolcanic eruption 3. both 1 & 2.

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