Monday, November 4, 2013

Are we alone ?

For thousands of years people have wondered if there is life beyond Earth. This question is yet to be solved. Most planets are inhabitable but Mars can still possibly hold life. Its got the right nutrients in the soil, has water ice, possibly unfrozen water,
and some carbon dioxide frozen into its surface. In 1996 a Martian meteorite was found in Antarctica. Scientist studied this space rock and discovered fossilized bacteria inside the rock. This proved that Mars used to have a watery surface with a good atmosphere to produce life. The meteorite was named Allen Hills  84001. But now Mars has a very low amount of water, and a thin poison filled atmosphere. Life might be somewhere on the surface or underground where there could be more liquid water. But Mars isn't the only place were life might exist. There are many moons that could have more water then Mars. Jupiter's moons Ganymede, and Europa both could have giant underground water oceans. In fact Europa might have more water then Earth. Saturn's moons Titan, Enceladus , and Dione could all support life. Titan has a thick atmosphere and has lakes of liquid methane. Enceladus has crystals of pure water, from erupting water volcanoes, and Dione has markings on it similar to are moon's surface but Dione's marks were probably caused by water flooding the surface and then freezing. These are all good places for life to exist but there could also be life outside are solar system its a big universe.

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