Volcanoes are formed when the tectonic plates clash together and form a peak when Earths magma enters the peak and it releases lava ash and gas a volcano has been formed. There are many types of volcanoes. The cinder cone volcano produces ash and
have very violent eruptions , an example of one of these volcanoes is the small Capulin

volcano. the next type is the shield volcano. Sheild volcanoes eruptions are gentle. Lava flows create new land and are not near as deadly as cinder cone volcanoes. Then there are composite volcanoes they can have deadly ash eruptions or lava eruptions an example of a composite volcano is the famous Mt St Helens volcano that blanketed Washington State in ash. The eruption was caused by a earthquake that caused the entire north side of the mountain to collapse. Then the pressure escaped and ash blew out. The ash cloud was so big it circled the world. The last type and by far the most dangerous are the super-volcanoes that have completely destroyed thousands of miles of land. even though human kind has not witnessed a eruption of this scale we have evidence that they have a huge inpact on the entire planet. They have no cones instead they leave a massive bowl like crater called a caldera. an example of one of these monsters is Yellowstone. Yellowstone is a national park located mostly in Wyoming. And is world famous for its geysers and mud pools. but underneath lies a giant active super volcano that is capable of destroying north America , and is due to erupt again.
What causes a super eruption starts with the pressure in the magma chamber when it gets to high the land rises then a single eruption will around the caldera and then cause the whole area to collapse then the magma, and ash will be unleashed sending ash sky high. Then a sixty mile radius of the volcano will be buried by the pyroclastic flow. Then the ash will cover anywhere between Washington state to the golf of Mexico.
some ash will remain in the air witch will block out the sun. And cause volcanic winter it will take decades to recover.
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