For thousands of years people have wondered if there is life beyond Earth. This question is yet to be solved. Most planets are inhabitable but Mars can still possibly hold life. Its got the right nutrients in the soil, has water ice, possibly unfrozen water,
Monday, November 4, 2013
Are we alone ?
For thousands of years people have wondered if there is life beyond Earth. This question is yet to be solved. Most planets are inhabitable but Mars can still possibly hold life. Its got the right nutrients in the soil, has water ice, possibly unfrozen water,
and some carbon dioxide frozen into its surface. In 1996 a Martian meteorite was found in Antarctica. Scientist studied this space rock and discovered fossilized bacteria inside the rock. This proved that Mars used to have a watery surface with a good atmosphere to produce life. The meteorite was named Allen Hills 84001. But now Mars has a very low amount of water, and a thin poison filled atmosphere. Life might be somewhere on the surface or underground where there could be more liquid water. But Mars isn't the only place were life might exist. There are many moons that could have more water then Mars. Jupiter's moons Ganymede, and Europa both could have giant underground water oceans. In fact Europa might have more water then Earth. Saturn's moons Titan, Enceladus , and Dione could all support life. Titan has a thick atmosphere and has lakes of liquid methane. Enceladus has crystals of pure water, from erupting water volcanoes, and Dione has markings on it similar to are moon's surface but Dione's marks were probably caused by water flooding the surface and then freezing. These are all good places for life to exist but there could also be life outside are solar system its a big universe.
For thousands of years people have wondered if there is life beyond Earth. This question is yet to be solved. Most planets are inhabitable but Mars can still possibly hold life. Its got the right nutrients in the soil, has water ice, possibly unfrozen water,
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Jupiter Planet Or Young Star ?
Jupiter is known for its size and weather. Jupiter is the biggest of all the planets in the solar system. Scientists discovered that Jupiter is made of mostly hydrogen , and helium gasses. This puzzled scientists, because the sun is also made of these gases. There are few ideas of how this occurred . Some say that it had the right amount gases but it wasn't big enough to cause fusion. So the hydrogen didn't heat up to much. Others think that it didn't have enough hydrogen or helium to burn at all. I believe that when the sun was born the disk that surrounded the sun started getting crushed. This disk had a lot of hydrogen and helium but it wasn't to much so, it started forming a normal planet, but had a very high amount of these gases. So I think that Jupiter is just a normal planet made out of star-like gases. However you can considerate it a star because its a solar system of moons
Jupiter is known for its size and weather. Jupiter is the biggest of all the planets in the solar system. Scientists discovered that Jupiter is made of mostly hydrogen , and helium gasses. This puzzled scientists, because the sun is also made of these gases. There are few ideas of how this occurred . Some say that it had the right amount gases but it wasn't big enough to cause fusion. So the hydrogen didn't heat up to much. Others think that it didn't have enough hydrogen or helium to burn at all. I believe that when the sun was born the disk that surrounded the sun started getting crushed. This disk had a lot of hydrogen and helium but it wasn't to much so, it started forming a normal planet, but had a very high amount of these gases. So I think that Jupiter is just a normal planet made out of star-like gases. However you can considerate it a star because its a solar system of moons
Friday, November 1, 2013
Dwarf planets

Dwarf planets are objects that are not planets, but at the same time not asteroids, or comets. They are small planet like objects that orbit the sun. Most of them discovered so far. most are near the Kuiper belt. These object include, Pluto, Ceres, Haumea , Makemake, and Eris. Pluto, discovered in 1930, is the 2nd most massive dwarf planet, and was classified as a planet for 76 years. But in 2006 Pluto was reclassified as a dwarf planet. Pluto has 5 known moons the biggest Charon, is almost one third of the size of Pluto. Haumea is a very unusual dwarf planet. Haumea has a football type shape. Most likely caused by a impact that sent it flying. It has a 4 hour day. Scientist think that because of this Haumea's surface stretched to the shape that it is today. Makemake was discovered in 2005 and was nick named Easterbunny, because it was discovered right after Easter. Makemake is a reddish brown color, because of the suns radiation . and is covered with ethane ice. Ceres was known since 1801 people back then thought it was a missing planet but was classified as a dwarf planet in 2006. It has an orbit between mars and Jupiter,and is much smaller than are moon. Ceres is considered the biggest asteroid in the asteroid belt. Dwarf planets are found in and out of the solar system. In fact there might be lots that we haven't discovered yet.
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Mars Super-volcanoes?
Mars is a planet that now is a lifeless world with craters, volcanoes ice caps , and canyons. However Mars has once held life, And an atmosphere thanks to its volcanoes
But now the Planet has no known volcanic activity found so far. But pictures of some of the craters seem odd. They most likely were not normal volcanic or meteor craters. they had a similar landform that we see on Earth, a caldera. Calderas form when a massive magma chamber gains pressure and some magma rises. This causes the pressure to release suddenly, witch causes the land to collapse into the partly emptied magma chamber . Ash and lava then devastates hundreds of miles. This eruption is called a super volcano. There are several of them in the world. Scientist found at least three calderas on mars these super volcanoes would have majorly effected the red planet.
Large piece of Russian meteorite found
Earlier this year a meteor exploded over Chelyabinsk Russia. Pieces flew everywhere. These pieces were very small. The main mass of it splash landed in a lake. Recently Russians managed to recover the large meteorite from the lake. The meteorite could be worth several thousands of dollars.
Earlier this year a meteor exploded over Chelyabinsk Russia. Pieces flew everywhere. These pieces were very small. The main mass of it splash landed in a lake. Recently Russians managed to recover the large meteorite from the lake. The meteorite could be worth several thousands of dollars.
Sunday, October 6, 2013
10,000 people want to go to mars and never return
with the retirement of the space shuttle people scientist have came up with a rocket design to take a crew to mars. The Ares rocket is the design they came up with. They
think that they can sent the manned rocket to mars by 2030. This is huge. This will retire the mars rovers. How ever the mission will cost a billion dollars. See the video of the mission on youtube the video is called : MARS [NEW!!!]Constellation(DEFUNCT)/SLS : Manned Mission to mars.
with the retirement of the space shuttle people scientist have came up with a rocket design to take a crew to mars. The Ares rocket is the design they came up with. They
think that they can sent the manned rocket to mars by 2030. This is huge. This will retire the mars rovers. How ever the mission will cost a billion dollars. See the video of the mission on youtube the video is called : MARS [NEW!!!]Constellation(DEFUNCT)/SLS : Manned Mission to mars.
Comet Ison information
Its October and people all over the world are wanting to see comet Ison . The comet will be seen in the first two weeks of November. Russian scientists Vitali Nevski ,and Artyom Novichonok, discovered Ison. The comet has a diameter of three miles and is possible to be two times brighter then the moon. It is named the comet of the century.
Its October and people all over the world are wanting to see comet Ison . The comet will be seen in the first two weeks of November. Russian scientists Vitali Nevski ,and Artyom Novichonok, discovered Ison. The comet has a diameter of three miles and is possible to be two times brighter then the moon. It is named the comet of the century.
How Earth and other planets Were formed

Thousands of years after the sun was born, dust swarmed around the sun. These rock particles started to collect together, then forming rocks. These rocks form boulders, boulders form bigger boulders then they get big enough to have its own gravity, then sucks in rocks and dust, then finally the planets were formed, but there were hundreds of planets back then the planets had to survive a demolition derby. Planets hitting each other was a daily thing. Meanwhile earth was a molten ball of lava. Meteorites rained from the sky. the nickel in side the meteorites was heavier than the lava so it sank to make the core of Earth. Other planets kept on crashing into each other for thousands of years. Then things started slowing down. Impacts became less often. Earth started cooling down, and the surface lava became a thick crust. But then a planet the size of mars hit earth. Causing debree to fly into space and form a ring. The pieces in the ring clumped together to form the moon. At this time the planets we see today were the surviving planets all the rest turned into asteroids, and comets , and moons. Some scientists say that there was another major planet thousands of years ago. There evidence was traces a lithium in the sun. Stars usually don't have lithium so some people believe that a planet bigger then Jupiter, that was made of lithium crashed into the sun and was completely destroyed. After the battle of worlds, Earth grew volcanoes the volcanoes pumped gasses such as nitrogen and carbon dioxide , and water particles. Meteorites brought small water particles that formed puddles. This went on for a long time. Earths orbit was not the same. at one point earth froze into a giant ice age. This time was also known as snowball Earth. After the ice age volcanoes kept erupting and something was happening to earth under the seas. Plants formed during the last years of the ice age. These plants produced oxygen witch eventually brought life.
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